Yayyay9 Is the creator of Pandanda Live Or you can call it PDL.
Yayyay9 is the first beta in Pandanda live. As you can see Yayyay outfit is the 3D Glasses,Gold and blue scarf, Black beta shirt. Purple pants (No one has no idea why he loves to wear purple pants) And he love his gold shoes and his gold color. Yayyay9 was made in 5/17/09. Mostly Yayyay dose the animations. Here why he dose the animations sony vegas. I no you no will say *couh* Sony vegas sucks*coughs*. Yayyay dose alot of weird stuff. Now let give you basic info
Fav food: McDouble
Fav Movie: Spongebob the movie
Fav Staff worker: Rad & Meandme
Thedog9999-(Main Owner)
Thedog9999 aka i no you no is the second main owner. Thedog9999 didnt use to be i no you no panda it was his friend Thedog9999 but he quit and gave it to I no you no. TD9999 Style is the santa hat the Christmas scarf. Pandanda 1 year old shirt and black pants. TD9999 was made in November. TD9999 usually use corel and he trying to get sony vegas soon. He Loves enjoying and spend time with friends.
Fav food: Pie, Noodles
Fav Movie: Tron
Fav staff member: Madkid1999

Madkid1999-(Main Owner)
Madkid1999 use to belong to Yayyay9. But since cody was gonna make a pandanda account yayyay was happy to give one of his account away. But madkid1999 is not really mad it just name people no worry it wont hurt any1. Madkid1999 is the second beta to be in Pdl. Madkid1999 was made on the same days as yayyay9.
Fav Food: PIZZA!!!!
Fav Movie: PIZZA
Fav staff member: TD9999
Yayyaycp is not yayyay9. Or either yayyay9 didn't made yayyaycp will he did made yayyaycp on cp but not on pd. Yayyay cp is Rad2222. Rad is a great friend to yayyay.
Fav food:Pasta
Fav Movie:The Pacifier
Fav staff member: Yayyay9
Yayyaycp- (Worker)
Meandme is friend with yayyay9 is real life. But Yayyay9 moved away 4 towns away :(. meandme was created since yayyay9 met him. Yayyay9 show him the site Pandanda. But he not a beta. Meandme dosent wear a official outfit. But here what his fav stuff.
Fav Food: Cream puffs
Fav Movie: Transformers 1,2 and maybe 3 a.k.a watch transformer 3 7/1/11
Fav staff member:Yayyay9 or yayyaycp
Meandme- (worker)
Jjribcool also know as JJ is a Member of Club Penguin Prime and Pandanda Live. JJ like trying out new things like diffrient Video editing programs and Graphics. He would most likely be doing Club penguin video more than Pandanda Videos
Fav food: Curry
Fav Movie: The Simpsons Movie
Fav Staff Member: Everyone